Monthly Archives: January 2013


Hello and welcome to the blog for Harper Conflict Resolution. Along with my services, I want to provide a space where I will be highlighting articles as well as sharing experiences from mediations, interactions in schools, topics that arise from conflict resolution trainings, and life outside of the office.

The purpose of this blog is to show how we can use principles of conflict resolution in our daily lives. Conflict resolution bridges the gap between people, resulting in the purest sense of community. Growing up in school, we were taught The Golden Rule, which is “Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You”. That rule is the essence of conflict resolution and, while it may be difficult to adhere to that mantra at times, the results can be beneficial to everyone.

I will touch more in depth on topics like this in the blog as well as other issues. Feel free to comment and ask questions. Again, welcome and my hope is that you gain as much out of this blog as I gained by the experiences that went into it.